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Il 19 novembre 2009, The North Face Italy, azienda appartenente al gruppo VF Corporation (multinazionale americana da 7,6 miliardi di dollari), ha comunicato ai propri dipendenti la decisione di trasferire la sede italiana presso l'headquarter di Lugano. Tale scelta, non dettata da motivi di fatturato, in quanto la società registra margini positivi e ha un bilancio in attivo, è arrivata in maniera inaspettata alle 160 persone che operano a Pederobba. Per fare sentire la loro voce sulla vicenda, sono state create queste pagine web, scritte sia in italiano che in inglese.

On November 19th 2009, The North Face brand - part of the 7,6 billion dollar powerhouse VF Corporation - informed the employees of its EMEA offices based in Pederobba (Italy) of its decision to transfer all activities to VF International HQ in Lugano (Switzerland). This announcement came as a shock to all 160 employees, especially because the brand continues to experience positive, albeit slower, growth and healthy operating margins. This website has been created to allow The Norh Face Employees to express their ideas, opinion and views on the matter.

giovedì 19 novembre 2009

Benvenuti nel Futuro ???? / Welcome to the future ????

Fin prima del 19 Novembre la nostra azienda, ci esortavano a senirci parte di una squadra vincente:

  •  We are the leader!
  • We are leaders in innovation (and we openly encourage all employees in every department to innovate)
  • We empover and support our employees to drive our brand

  • We respect out heritage and have a defined path to the future
  • We are the custodians of a sustainable business model for all stakeholders
  • We own the responsability to inspire and develop the next generation of athlets and ehthusiast
  • We are committed to driving profitable growth as a means to positively increase our influence
Per accentuare questo, in uno degli ultimi company meeting (3 Luglio 2009) ci hanno illustrato i dati negativi, sia in termini di fatturato che di persone licenziate o in cassa integrazione delle altre aziende dello sport system che ci circondano.

Hanno evidenziato in particolar modo i risultati positivi di The North Face:
TNF Grows 14% Globally in first quarter 09

Esortandoci in particolar modo con la seguente frase:
If you don't grow, you die
(Stampata inoltre anche sulle magliette che ci sono state consegnate)

La maglietta riportava:
Follow me, I know where I am growing
If you don't grow, you die

Ci hanno anche indicato la mostra Mission per la F09 :
MISSION: To be the Global Leader in enabling Outdoor activities through the design and development of Premier, Authentic and Technically Innovative Products. Products that Enable and Inspire Consumers to Never Stop Exploring.

Ed ora ???????
Welcome to the Future (company meeting 3 luglio 09)

Ma quale sarà il nostro futuro ????????????????

Before November the 19th, our leaders urged us to feel part of a winning team:

  • We are the leader!

  • We are leaders in innovation (and we openly encourage all employees in every department to innovate)
  • We empower and support our employees to drive our brand
  • We respect our heritage and have a defined path to our future
  • We are the custodians of a sustainable business model for all stakeholders
  • We own the responsibility to inspire and develop the next generation of athletes and enthusiasts
  • We are committed to driving profitable growth as a means to positively increase our influence
To emphasize this, during one of the last meetings (3rd July 2009) they have explained to us the downside, both in terms of turnover and people fired or layoffs at other sport system companies around us. In particular, they have highlighted the positive outcome of The North Face:
TNF Grows 14% Globally in first quarter 09

In particular, exhorting us with the following sentence: 
If you don’t grow, you die
(Printed on the t shirts that we have received from them)

T shirts carried the following:

Follow me, I know where I am growing.

If you don’t grow you died.

They have also explained our Mission for F09:

Mission :To be the Global Leader in enabling Outdoor activities through the design and development of Premier, Authentic and Technically Innovative Products. Products that Enable and Inspire Consumers to Never Stop Exploring.

And now ???????????

Welcome to the Future (company meeting 3 July 09)

But what will be our future??????????????